Julie Grabowski-Mcgowan

Julie Grabowski-McGowan is 63 years old and a recent graduate of the Honours Bachelor of Commerce Program at Lakehead University, majoring in general management and minoring in accounting. Julie and her husband Brent raise their granddaughter Delilah. The Princess Delilah story idea started with Delilah and her Papa Brent making up stories before her bedtime.

This is my Family

The family unit takes on many beautiful forms. Children thrive in loving and supportive family units. If you love each other you are a family. This book is about different family units and the one common denominator that defines them all: love.

The Adventures of Princess Delilah and Friends

Don’t think “what if I fall?” Think, “what if I fly?”
Follow the story when Princess Delilah and friends fly to a new adventure with the little people of the Kingdom of Miniature People.


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